Definitions of Essential Key Terms and Roles
If you used our Know Your Score! assessment tool in the past, you will notice that some of the terms below are new, such as "Tiers". Be sure to familiarize yourself with these new terms as they will be used often throughout the quick start steps and various assessment menus.
Super Admin Tier 1: A user responsible for managing entities, sub-entities, and Tier 1 management functions.
Administrator: A user responsible for managing entities and sub-entities.
Assessor: A user responsible for answering assessment questions only.
Limited User: A user who has limited access to view an assessment, action plan, and reports for their entity. A limited user is not able to edit an assessment or any information about the organization.
Umbrella User: A user at an umbrella account who has access to high-level information about the organization and its activity. Umbrella users' permissions can be customized to include assessment results if desired.
From the Praesidium Assessment Tool dashboard, you can easily identify your role by checking one of two places.
Note: To download the full Roles Definition guide and learn more about permissions, select the Administration menu on the Praesidium Assessment Tool dashboard.
Accreditation: A way for an organization to publicly show its commitment to meeting the highest standards in abuse prevention via third-party verification.
Action Plan: A list of components identified as not fully implemented during the assessment that the organization will focus on prioritizing and implementing. Note: You will be prompted to create an action plan once you complete the assessment. (This is based on permissions set by the super admin.)
Assessment: An Assessment allows you to view your organization through the lens of The Praesidium Safety Equation® to identify any potential gaps that may exist in your organization’s abuse prevention practices.
Criteria: Indicators of successful implementation of a component.
Critical Components: Sub-section of a standard that needs to be implemented. Critical components are those that are foundational to abuse prevention and will have the greatest impact within an organization.
Cycle: One completed round of an assessment.
Entity: One distinct part of an organization, such as a branch, location, or program. Entities are grouped by Tiers, the hierarchical level of entities in the tool.
Main Contact: The main point of contact for the organization/entity. A Main Contact is added when an entity is added to your organization. By default, the Main Contact will be added as an administrator user.
Non-Critical Components: Components that will boost an organization's score and also contribute to organizational safety.
Organization: The group participating in the assessment process at the highest level (Tier 1).
Praesidium Safety Equation®: A framework of eight organizational operations that allows an organization to identify where abuse could occur. Using current research and root cause analyses of thousands of cases of abuse across a diverse range of organizations. Learn more about the Safety Equation here.
Standards: The Praesidium Standards are informed by thousands of root cause analyses, continuous scientific research, and over three decades of field experience with more than 4,000 organizations that serve children, youths, and vulnerable persons. Anchored by the Safety Equation, these standards provide a framework to help organizations focus their efforts where we know it makes the greatest impact.
Tier: The hierarchical level of entities in the tool.
Users: Account holders who have access to the tool. Users can be added to entities as an administrator or an assessor only.
Umbrella Organization: An Umbrella Organization is used to track a group of Tier 1 entities (and their lower entities) for a large multi-tier organization. An organization is used for grouping entities under one Tier 1 entity. Note: Not all will fall under an Umbrella.
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